Fundoo Times
Kissing under the mistletoe is a very popular Christmas mistletoe tradition followed since long. This Christmas mistletoe tradition is rather magical!

Christmas Mistletoe Tradition

Christmas mistletoe is an important Christmas symbol, an important decoration for Christmas. Kissing under the mistletoe is a very popular Christmas mistletoe tradition followed since ages. The custom of exchanging kiss under the mistletoe can be still found in many European countries. Kissing under the mistletoe is also followed in America. According to the custom, the couples should exchange kisses under the mistletoe, every time they pass by it. According to the tradition, if a couple in love exchanges kiss under the mistletoe, the gesture is considered as a promise to marry as well as a foresight of happiness and long life.

The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe finds its roots in the legend of Goddess Frigga and her son Balder. Frigga was the beautiful goddess of love and Balder, the God of the Summer Sun. One fine day, Balder dreamt of his death. He was upset and told his mother about his horrible dream. His strange dream became a matter of concern for his mother Frigga because, without him, life on Earth would end. Hence, she tried her level best to avoid such a mishap and took a promise from every being in air, water, fire, and Earth that they would never harm Balder.

Meanwhile, Loki, the God of Evil, the enemy of Balder, always had naughty thoughts for Balder. Loki wished Balder destruction. Loki was well aware that Frigga had overlooked one plant that grew on apple and oat trees- the mistletoe. The cunning Loki took this advantage, made an arrow, and placed Mistletoe at its tip. Loki then beguiled the blind brother of Balder named as Hoder, the God of winter and made him shoot the arrow at Balder. As a result, Balder was immediately poisoned and died.

The death of Balder resulted in mishap. Earth turned cold and life became dreary. Every living being on Earth tried to bring Balder back to life. However, Frigga managed to breathe life into her son with the help of Mistletoe. Tears rolled down her cheeks, fell on the plant, and became pearly white berries. Frigga then blessed the plant. Since then, anyone who stands under the mistletoe would never be harmed and would be entitled to a kiss as token of love.

From the ancient times, mistletoe plant has been regarded as one of the most magical, mystifying and sacred plants of European tradition. It is believed that mistletoe plant bestows life and fertility and protects against poison. Mistletoe was also regarded as a sexual symbol as well as the 'soul' of the sacred oak tree. Mistletoe plants were gathered at mid-summer and winter solstices and were used to decorate the households during the holiday season of Christmas. This Christmas mistletoe tradition has its roots in the Druid and other pre-Christian traditions.

In the Middle Ages, a Christmas mistletoe tradition of hanging mistletoe branches from the ceilings to drive away evil spirits was widely popular. In Europe, branches of mistletoe were placed over the houses to prevent the entrance of witches. There was a strong belief that the sacred oak mistletoe was capable of extinguishing fire. Moreover, it was believed that during a flash of lightning, the mistletoe plant could come to the oak tree on its own. In Scandinavia, Christmas mistletoe was regarded as a plant of peace under with enemies could ceasefire or arguing spouses kiss and make- up.

Christmas mistletoe tradition is one of the most cherished traditions that is followed in many parts of the world. Christmas mistletoe tradition is rather magical!